The all new tagging engine in Gimlet v2 is SUPER AWESOME. Let’s take a look!

Tagging is the fastest way to capture highly detailed customer interaction data in Gimlet. We’ve worked hard to improve tagging in Gimlet v2, so let’s see some of the improvements!

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Old Tagging

Tagging entries in Gimlet v1 works fine, but it could be a lot cleaner. The input box is tiny and the list of tags isn’t very legible. While you can get a lot done with this tool, there’s a bunch of polish just waiting to happen here.

Gimlet v1

Improved Tagging

Gimlet v2

That’s more like it. The tag input field goes full-width, allowing you to enter all the data you need. Start typing to see autosuggestions, or simply click on a tag button below. Add new tags just by entering them in the text area.

Listing the tags like buttons helps to visually separate them on the entry form. A dark green background makes it very clear which tags are activated. Tags are styled within the input field too, so there’s no uncertainty over what will or won’t become a tag when the form is saved.

Search by Tag Names

All the tags you enter into Gimlet are available within our search engine as facet filter options. Now you can quickly find a list of any tag related transactions in your account. Gimlet v2

Additionally, tags are linked within individual search results and on the question detail/show pages, too. Easily jump into a list of tagged search results from anywhere they appear.

Search results

Gimlet v2

Show page

Gimlet v2

What Comes Next?

We’ll start enabling the Gimlet v2 preview on select accounts within the next two weeks. If you really want to be among the first cohort to try it out, drop us a note at and let us know. For the initial rollout, we’re looking for just a few clients who can provide detailed feedback and help uncover any sharp edges that need some polish.

Once the first G2 cohort is happy, we’ll enable the preview for everyone. All clients will have at least a month to try out both the old G1 and the new G2 interfaces simultaneously.

My next blog post will detail how the preview will take shape. You’ll be able to use G1 or G2 for the duration of the trial.

Please stay tuned for more info. Send us your email address to keep up to date – just hit the button above.

Next up: I’ll write about the Gimlet v2 preview launch.

Thanks! Eric for the Gimlet Team.